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Meaning Statement: Masks have been said to be these life saving devices that are able to protect people basically in any situation and from anything. What I am trying to convey with these photos is the ineffectiveness of masks. However, I am not saying masks are entirely useless. Masks should be worn in certain situations. I'm just focusing on the parts of people and their lives that masks can't save or protect them from. When taking these photos, I aimed to focus on emotions and the physical harm that Covid-19 can bring to a person or thing. A mask seems to be powerless in all of the photos when it came to the tangible and intangible capabilities of the Coronavirus.

Process: When capturing the first three photos, I tried to capture the raw emotions that one feels during the pandemic. I used a fish bowl lens for these three for the certain uneasy feeling that one gets from looking at those photos. I also edited each photo to add different colors to make the surrounding area look like that it is covered in viral cells. The other three photos that I took aim to tackle the ineffectiveness of masks when it comes to the physical side of things. For the broken mask, I cut the mask with scissors. With the snow man, I made a lump of snow look like it used to be a snowman, and I also highlighted the mask. With the bowtie photo, I wore a bowtie, blackened my eyes, overlayed a mask, and made it look like my skin and body look like water.

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